What's in A Name: Translation and Politics
Posted on November 27, 2015
What is Daesh? What is ISIS? What are the meanings and implications of these names?
Posted on November 27, 2015
What is Daesh? What is ISIS? What are the meanings and implications of these names?
Posted on November 11, 2015
Thanks to Professor Cheryl Smith and her students at Baruch College, we're happy to share our new video about Words Without Borders Campus with you!
Posted on October 21, 2015
For teachers in U.S. public schools, an initial question about international literature may be, "How does it support the Common Core Standards?" The short answer is, "pretty well": international literature provides opportunities for the kind of deep, close, careful reading that the standards promote. On the WWB Campus site, you'll find:
Posted on October 15, 2015
We're pleased to share an excerpt from translators David Young and Jiann I. Lin's work on Du Mu on WWB Campus! Young and Lin translated "Poems for Parting," published on Campus and written by Du Mu in Yangzhou, China, in 835.
Posted on October 06, 2015
In The Toast, Noah Cho argues for the importance of diverse literature from his experience as a student and teacher in high school English classes. Keeping in mind “students of color, LGBT+ students, and students at other intersections…” he writes, “I do not want students to think they can’t be writers or engaged in literature simply because they don’t see themselves being portrayed in their coursework. “Why I Teach Diverse Literature”