Meet Our New Intern: Mandana Naviafar
Posted on July 09, 2018

This month, the WWB blog interviews Mandana Naviafar, the new intern at Words Without Borders Campus. What drew her to the internship?
In high school I studied English in a professional language institution and once I became somewhat fluent in English, I took an English literature class. In the beginning of that class, I wasn’t able to get past the first ten pages of Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, but I was fascinated by the new and unknown world of English literature and eager to explore it further. By the end of the course, I was able to read and enjoy Shakespeare’s Othello. That experience was transformative and influential enough that I changed my major from Farsi to English literature and came to the US to learn more. I am very eager to help others experience what I experienced in that class and to encourage others to broaden their views by immersing themselves in a new literature, a new culture, and a new world. Working with Words Without Borders Campus gives me the opportunity to do so.
For the entire interview, and to find out what, exactly a minor in phronesis entails, visit the WWB blog.
A winner of Iran's National Literature Olympiad, Mandana has already been instrumental in our initial work on the upcoming collection of literature from Iran. WWB is grateful to have her on board!
If you or one of your students is interested in a future internship with WWB Campus, resumes can be sent to [email protected].