Zombies and Love in the New Millennium: Novels from China
Posted on February 13, 2019

The online magazine Paper Republic recently published a list of newly translated Chinese novels, a diverse and exciting group. Among them are several works from authors on WWB Campus:
- Yan Lianke's new novel The Day the Sun Died "keeps up Yan’s relentless ex as villagers fall into a zombielike trance. For more on Yan Lianke's career, life story, and thoughts on censorship, you can read Chenxin Jiang's interview with the author. (The novel also sounds like an interesting potential pairing with Luis Felipe Fabre's poem Notes on a Zombie Cataclysm. )
- Can Xue's Love in the New Millennium features a far-ranging foreword from American poet Eileen Myles, who confesses that she could not stop tweeting lines from the novel as she read it. For Myles, the novel is particularly notable for its sense of "humor and surprise," qualities also found in Can Xue's short story The Old Cicada.
For the entire list of new fiction, visit Paper Republic.