Teach for the NYC DOE? Join us for a free, credit-awarding summer seminar!
Posted on June 24, 2022

An online seminar/ book club that prepares participants to teach and lead with exciting stories from around the world.
Are you an NYCDOE teacher or instructional lead who loves to read? Do you hope to bring more diverse voices into classrooms? This summer, virtually connect with like-minded educators for a journey through short, contemporary readings from around the world and across all genres. The course is free, and CTLE credits will be awarded!
We'll be reading:
- Performance poetry from the Dominican Republic (https://bit.ly/3bcZo8l)
- Family stories from Egypt (https://bit.ly/3OQ3qSG),
- Graphic fiction from China (https://bit.ly/2G4CKu8), and much more
Words Without Borders will facilitate these highly interactive sessions. Special guests will include international authors, translators, and educators who have used these readings to engage and motivate students.
Participants will learn:
- Strategies for building cultural competence, making translation visible, and helping students access complex, authentic literature
- Why diversity in storytelling is the "missing piece" in most discussions of CRS-E, and how to use this crucial concept to support your students
- How to activate students, colleagues, and families as partners in inter-cultural learning
Sessions will run from July 11th to August 18th, 1 pm to 2:30 pm ET, in two groups that will each meet for two days a week: Mondays & Wednesdays, or Tuesdays & Thursdays.
- Register here for Mondays and Wednesdays (Cohort A)
- Register here for Tuesdays and Thursdays (Cohort B)
To get the most out of this program, we recommend that participants attend at least 10 sessions out of the 12. You can make up a missing date by attending the next day's session or watching a session recording. (Sessions will be recorded for internal sharing only.)
Questions? Contact [email protected]. We look forward to our conversations together this summer!