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9 Global Women's Stories for Women's History Month

Posted on February 25, 2021

Panamanian author Cheri Lewis: "Open Hands"

What will you and your students be reading this March? How about a feminist essay from Iran, an illustrated Korean tale of leaving home, or a personal essay about a "thunder grandma" from Kazakhstan? The stories below can help bring global voices to an exploration of women's art, activism, and changing places in the world.

  1. The Guest: An Egyptian Bedouin girl and her beloved, lonely grandmother
  2. Grass: In this graphic oral history, a Korean girl leaves home shortly before WWII
  3. Milgrom: From Russia, a story that asks: can a new generation of women escape women's traditional fates?
  4. My Madre, Pure as Cumulous Clouds: A linguist tries to find out the meaning of "mothers" in Mexico
  5. How to Be a Woman in Tehran: Persian journalist Habibe Jafarian considers the question in between arguments over jacket length
  6. Thunder grandmas: Culture clash between a city girl and her traditional grandmother in Kazakhstan
  7. When My Wife Was A Shiitake: A Japanese widower gets to know his late wife
  8. In the Magazine: "Open Hands": A surrealistic Panamanian story featuring a home invasion by babies
  9. The Vegetarian: A Korean story about a woman's choice.

Which women's stories would you add to this list? To find many others on this site, just search for "women" or "women authors."