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Original-Language Texts in Spanish and Mandarin

Posted on May 09, 2019

Tang Dynasty copy of 新婦地黃湯帖 by Wang Xianzhi (344–386), currently in the Taito Ward Calligraphy Museum.

Do you teach Spanish or bilingual-Spanish classes? You'll find original-language versions of these pieces of literature: “A Failed Journey” (Un Viaje Fallido), the journalistic essay “Violence and Drug-Trafficking in Mexico” (“¡Qué manera de perder!”: Violencia y narcotráfico en México), and the poems “Sleepless Homeland” (La patria insomne), and “Notes on a Zombie Cataclysm” (Notas en torno a la catástrofe zombi), all in the Mexico Unit.

In the collection of literature from China, the short story “The Old Cicada” and the autobiographical poem "Two or Three Things from the Past" are available in original-language versions. If you click on the Context tab for "Two or Three Things from the Past", you can hear the author reading the poem in Mandarin. In addition, the Context tabs for two poems from Tang Dynasty era include links to original-language versions: "Poems for Parting" and "Poem to the Tune "Pure Peace."

For still more original-language literature, search this blog using the keyword "original language" and the language you are seeking. And for texts in other languages, such as Arabic, Japanese, Russian, or Farsi, search the entire site.